How do I manage and create new blocks?
You can manage Blocks by heading to the block manager from your Desk by selecting Build from Select Mode. There, you can not only create and publish Blocks, but also see an overview of their ratings given by the community.
Once I get to the Block Builder, how do I start building?
To begin building, you must enter Float Mode. To do this on a keyboard, press 1.
Once you are in Float Mode, your character will hang from a balloon like so:
From there, you can either press Q, which will take you to the Quick Access menu:
Or you can press F, which will take you to the Inventory screen:
From there, select any item that you have unlocked.
Once a prop is selected, you can place it anywhere you want (as long as the item turns green wherever you want to place it).
If the item turns red, that means it can’t be placed in that location.
Once I have laid down a prop on my block, how do I change its color?
You can easily change the color of your prop once you place them! Once your prop is laid down, just click on it and then press T.
Once you press T, you will see a list of different colors.
Select whichever color you want your prop to be and then click Use.
Voilà! Your prop is now the color you selected! This also works with your block street, so have fun changing colors!
Why are some Props grayed out or unavailable in my Block Builder?
This just means you haven’t unlocked that particular prop yet. Once you have purchased new props or unlocked them, they will no longer be grayed out.
How do I change the settings for my Block?
To change the general settings of your Block, press Tab to enter Block Settings.
Once Tab is pressed, you will see a page that looks like this:
From here, you can change the timer for your block, the mode, how many players can play at the same time, and more using the General and Game Settings tab.
How do I change the music in my Block?
To change the soundtrack of your Block, press Tab to enter Block Settings.
Once in the Block Settings menu, click on the Soundtrack tab and then select any of the songs you have listed there. This is what that screen looks like:
What are the controls for Block Building?
The controls in the Block Building mode are slightly different from in the Junction.
Below is the controller mapping: